August 7, 2009

Please Visit My New Blog!

Thanks so much for visiting Michelle Mullins Photography! Just to let you know that I have a new and improved site and I'd love to have you stop by sometime!

My new address is:

Come on over and see what I've been up to lately and don't forget to leave a comment or two!

February 20, 2009

Something's Coming!

Okay everyone! I know funny things have been happening with my blog and I apologize for all the wonkiness!!! :) Hopefully, very soon, I'll have my new blog up and running. It's taking a little longer than I expected, but I'm convinced that it will be worth all of the hard work!

Thanks for your patience!!

February 13, 2009

Sweet and New

I love to photograph newborns! The sessions typically last
a bit longer than a normal session, but the end result is so
very worth the effort.

This gorgeous babe is my new nephew. Isn't he the cutest thing?!?

He was 8 days old when I photographed him and we had
an amazing session! The key to a great session is to get
them early - between 6 and 14 days is ideal. If you're
expecting and would like to have your newborn photographed,
it's best to make a tentative appointment based on your
due date. We'll work out the details once your little one
arrives! :)